Minimizing Toxic Waste
Before industrialization, anybody was in charge of the materials used to create merchandise and food to distribute. In modern times, incorporations produce these necessities through factories and other mass manufacturing plants. Mass production involves using fossil fuels and other means of power that involves dumping waste into the atmosphere or local water bodies. Not only does this harm the biodiversity that thrive in these surroundings, it also harms humans residing in close proximity to the waste dumping site.
In order to cease the harm being done, companies and incorporations (and you!) must do the same things we’ve been telling 1st graders: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reduce the number of paper product usage. Use environment friendly vehicles and machinery in manufacturing. Reuse solar energy and wind turbines as a primary way to generate fuel. By having large corporations invest in innovative green energy alternatives such as WaterRotor, it can save the company money and support a smaller business as well. Recycle paper products by encouraging healthy, environmentally conscious decisions in the workplace. As for you, take on homemade projects that serve the same purpose that incorporations do. Growing and cooking your own food, buying poultry from a local butcher, using renewable energy, and utilizing a composter are all good means of reducing unnecessary waste.