Solutions4Earth (S4E),
Solutions4MyEarth (S4ME)
Youth for the environment.
(Photo by Mirabel Streu)
“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” - Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
Solutions4Earth (S4E), Solutions4MyEarth (S4ME) is a local, student-run non-profit organization in Portland, Oregon, dedicated to the study of environmental science and advocacy of sustainability by youth, for youth. Solutions4Earth also manages The Society of Youth for Sustainability (SYFS), an art and project targeted approach to environmental justice and beyond.
Impact through projects, programs, and interactive activities to provide technical STEM insight into environmental issues.
Since early 2020, S4E/S4ME has led numerous ventures for youth to be more conscious of the adverse effects of humanity on our environment.
Targeting sustainability and environmental justice through arts and advocacy oriented projects.
S4E/S4ME also manages The Society of Youth for Sustainability, or SYFS, which strives to raise awareness for sustainability through large-scale projects in the arts.